Friday, September 20, 2013

Today's Song - Arena by W.L.A.K.

First off, if you don't have the W.L.A.K. album, get it. It's worth it. Dre Murray, Christon Gray, Swoope, and Alex Faith are all phenomenal in this and the mixture is beautiful.

This song features Dre Murray and Christon Gray and it's a beautiful, poignant focus on God being the center of their arena.

Here are some of the lyrics.

Oh Lord
Stone they all rejected
Still You did the unexpected
Stepped down from the throne
Oh Lord
Lower than the Angels
No one else can save us
Cuz you are God alone

Verse 1
They came to see me, I wan't 'em seeking you
The world's a microscope they watching everything I do
Everything I say, every set I play
I got my head down, praying I don't go astray
That I never fall, that I never turn
See lightning strike, crash and burn
I'm in this airplane, dodging the clouds
On this narrow path dodging the crowds
Running from trends, seeing my friends turn to enemies
They slither like centipedes
100 problems, but he left 99
Just to find me, yea I was a blind sheep
98 on the freeway, eyes on the promise
But my past right behind me
I'm tryna get the one though
Future bright cuz my eyes on the Son bro

You get a Jay-Z reference turned into a parable, a play on words, and humility in understanding that as we are under the microscope, it's essential to pray for strength.

I love it. I hope you do too.
Here's a link to hear it - DON'T get this song illegally - Christian rappers do not get compensated for all the work they put in properly.


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